Build Result

Build-Date: 2024-08-19 14:23:09.608 +0200

.* (ArticleHasErrors): FAILURE

errors found in article '[Demo - Simpsons Visualization]'
The annotation @linkMode is not known to system. It will be ignored.

Failure: test 'ArticleHasErrors', object 'Demo - Simpsons Visualization'

((?!ST-BMI).)* "[0-9a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜß#_():/.,\- ]*" (TermnameConvention): FAILURE

The following terms do not comply to the specified naming convention pattern (~[0-9a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜß#_():/.,~\- ~]*):
He isn't doing anything
What is John doing?
Who does John hate?

Failure: test 'TermnameConvention', object 'Ling'

.* FixMe: (ArticleContains): SUCCESS

"Demo - Master" (EmptyQuestionnaire): SUCCESS

"^Demo - Test Cases.*" "Demo - Master" (TestCase): SUCCESS