!!! Printer Problems Diagnosis

This small demo example shows the basic functionality of KnowWE and its corresponding knowledge representations for the formalization of diagnostic knowledge.

We build a knowledge base for deriving the reasons for the faults of an imaginary printer.

[{TableOfContents title='Contents' numbered='true'}]

!!! Set-Up

!! Annotate Wiki Articles
Every article containing knowledge of the printer example needs to be tagged in a special manner. 
We choose the tag name {{Printer_Demo}} and we insert the annotation 
%%Package Printer_Demo
into every particular article containing knowledge.

!! Define the Knowledge Base Center
In general, the knowledge base can be distributed across many wiki articles (each of them tagged with {{Printer_Demo}}).
Therefore, we need to define a place where all knowledge elements are collected into a single knowledge base.
For this, we use the {{KnowledgeBase}} markup in the following manner:
  Printer Fault Diagnosis Demo 
  @author: joba
  @version: 1.0
  @uses: Printer_Demo

By inserting the markup the following center is provided:

  Printer Fault Diagnosis Demo 
  @author: joba
  @version: 1.0
  @uses: Printer_Demo

!!! Terminology

In the first step we need to define the terminology of the planned system, i.e., the inputs (user entries) and the outputs (derived solutions).

%%todo insert link @joba
!!! Derivation Knowledge

After the definition of the terminology we need to define knowledge elements that implement the derivation and dialog behavior of the knowledge base.
For that, d3web/KnowWE provides a number of alternatives ranging from scoring rules, decision trees to set-covering models.
In this tutorial we show how to implement the derivation knowledge as a DiaFlux flowchart model.

* [DiaFlux implementation|Tutorial Printer Problem - DiaFlux]

!!! Testing the Knowledge Base

In the next step, we test the knowledge base by using the 

%%todo Test the printer tutorial @user: joba

%%Package Printer_Demo