!!! Pizza5 ontology !!! General Domain Model We first define some classes framing the example domain. ! Classes and properties without individuals %%turtle pizza5:Pizza a rdfs:Class. pizza5:PizzaBase a rdfs:Class. pizza5:PizzaTopping a rdfs:Class. pizza5:hasBase a rdf:Property . pizza5:hasTopping a rdf:Property . pizza5:Pizza pizza5:hasBase pizza5:PizzaBase . pizza5:Pizza pizza5:hasTopping pizza5:PizzaTopping . % %%SparqlVisualization SELECT ?x ?y ?z WHERE { ?x ?y ?z. FILTER (STRSTARTS(STR(?x), "http://example.org")) . FILTER (STRSTARTS(STR(?z), "http://example.org")) . FILTER (?x != ?z) . } % %%ConceptVisualization @concept: pizza5:Pizza @config: DefaultVisConfig % %%package pizza5 %%ontology pizza5 ontology @ruleset: OWL_HORST_OPTIMIZED % %%namespace pizza5 http://example.org# % %%VisualizationConfig @name: DefaultVisConfig @excludeNodes: owl:Thing, rdfs:Class, rdf:Resource, owl:Nothing @excludeRelations: rdf:type, ssc:instance, owl:sameAs, owl:equivalentClass, owl:equivalentProperty, rdfs:subPropertyOf, si:grandfather, si:grandparent @format: svg @linkMode: browse @predecessors: 1 @size: 1200 @rankDir: RL @showInverse: false @colors: si:color %