!Product Ontology
* [Product Ontology]
* [CIConnector] (includes some Demo-SPARQLs)

!Quality assessment of the modules:
| no | Not officially included, experimental demo
| alpha | Basic functions included, API to be considered as unstable documentation partly available/not available mostly untested
| beta | All functions are included documentation available functionality tested on unit level
| release | All functions are included documentation available functionality tested on system level (integration tests) internal processes fully applied (issue management, development process)

Module-Plugin implementation
* Jenkins-Plugin to upload Plugin/Module information
** [https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Extend+Jenkins]
** SVN: https://svn.jenkins-ci.org/
** Download jenkins war and add to tomcat
** Get hello world plugin and import into new workspace
** Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration does not matter, it is just ugly
** Maven install hello world plugin
** Copy hello-world.jar to WEB-INF\lib
** Copy hello-world.hpi to WEB-INF\plugins
** Start tomcat/jenkins
** Hello world plugin will be available as post step option
** Start implementing new plugin to upload build data to d3web.de page as a attachment
** [Some additional code snipplets on how to upload files to a KnowWE Action|Upload a file to KnowWE]
** Provide information needed for module pages

@user: Alex Legler

!Used Ontology

[{Image src='module ontology.png' }]