!! Welcome to KnowSEC This is a beta version of KnowSEC. KnowSEC is a web application aiming to manage __Know__ledge about __S__ubstances of __E__cological __C__oncern. In particular, we want to support decisions about the substances and also want to document these decisions and the work on the substances in general.\\ \\ KnowSEC currently knows more thant 10000 substances, unknown substances can be added at any time.\\ You can search for substances in the search field in the top right (e.g. the CAS/EC number or the name).\\ When visiting a ''Substance Info Page'' you can enter new information about the substance with the ''Decisions Making'' dialog on the left or by writing a new memo. \\ __Attention:__ KnowSEC currently support ''Mozilla Firefox'' and ''Google Chrome''. ''Microsoft Internet Explorer'' is not supported at this point. \\ \\ For information on how to use KnowSEC, try the __[HowTo]__ and __[FAQ]__.\\ For further questions, suggestions and problems, contact albrecht.striffler@denkbares.com