Leeloo - Release Notes

Version: 4.0 Leeloo (Release 2011-12-20)#

d3web is an extensible Java API for running knowledge-based systems. The Semantic Wiki KnowWE builds on the engine d3web and offers the web-based and distributed development of knowledge bases.

This distribution comes with the following files:

Release Notes.pdf This document.
Licenses.pdf License information of the d3web and KnowWE systems and all external libraries.
Please find the license texts in the directory license_texts.
d3web Quickstart.pdf A first steps installation readme for using the d3web libraries
KnowWE Quickstart.pdf A first steps manual for installing and starting KnowWE
d3web Folder containing the binaries (libraries), the sources, and the JavaDoc information of d3web
KnowWE Folder containing an installation archive (zip) as binary, the sources, and the JavaDoc information of KnowWE
quality_report Folder containing all files of the quality assessment report for this release. It contains the test protocols of the system tests (based on Fitnesse and the manual system tests), a summary of the integration tests, and a detailed analysis of the unit tests and the static code analysis.

System Requirements#

Installation of d3web/KnowWE requires the Java Platform, Standard Edition JDK 6 Update 21 or better. For operating systems, the distribution runs with MS-Windows XP, Windows 7 and Mac OS 10.6 or 10.7. Linux is not officially supported. We officially support Firefox 7 or better and Google Chrome 14 or better. Please note, that we do not officially support Internet Explorer at the moment.

What's New#

The release includes the following notable features:



Fixed Issues#

The IDs of the listed issues correspond to the ticket tracking system available at https://tickets.denkbares.com.

ID Product Short description Resolution
174 d3web [Rule]s are not evaluated at initialization of a case INVALID
246 d3web [TimeDB] Defining terminology objects "start" or "now" produces a TimeDB-error FIXED
250 d3web check values retrospectively at specific point in time FIXED
251 d3web Unable to set UNKNOWN value as init value FIXED
252 d3web Not all question types are supported by Init Property reasoner FIXED
267 d3web [Mobile-Application] can't load sessions from files with umlauts FIXED
284 d3web Documentation of de.d3web.core.session.Value#getValue() incomplete FIXED
81  KnowWE ReRenderSectionMarkerRenderer should support "external" wiki pages FIXED
108  KnowWE Page rename yields compile errors when the renamed page defines the knowledge base FIXED
136  KnowWE [Internet Explorer] DefaultMarkup-ToolMenu is "shifted" FIXED
141  KnowWE Wrong resolution of case-sensitive article names FIXED
142  KnowWE Packages and articles cannot share the same name FIXED
151  KnowWE IE7 bugfix for Flowchart (general.css) destroys Collapse-List in Firefox FIXED
152  KnowWE Deleting attachments of an article can yield broken page view WORKSFORME
161  KnowWE KnowWE startup causes 'INVALID SECTIONIZING' exception FIXED
177  KnowWE [SemanticCore] Semantic Annotation Markup renders error in any case FIXED
192  KnowWE [DiaFlux] Conditions on states of solutions generate an error on flowchart guards FIXED
193  KnowWE "New" buttons are not syned in QuickI and denkbares Dialog FIXED
197  KnowWE "Same TermDefinition"-warnings at KnowWE startup FIXED
199  KnowWE UI files are stored redundantly in Denkbares-Dialog and Mobile-Application FIXED
200  KnowWE Mobile-Application can't load the example knowledge base FIXED
210  KnowWE [DiaFlux] Links to DiaFlux panels can point to panels of other packages or KBs FIXED
214  KnowWE [DiaFlux] Bottom right resizing triangle in DiaFlux edit panel weirdly collapses/expands panel at click WONTFIX
215  KnowWE [Chrome] Erroneous rendering of "My prefs" button in Chrome FIXED
216  KnowWE [DiaFlux] Autofocus for textfield of edge conditions. FIXED
217  KnowWE PropertyMarkup sometimes extremely slow with missing quote FIXED
218  KnowWE [DenkbaresDialog] Always asks indication stops dialog progress. FIXED
219  KnowWE [DenkbaresDialog] Interview does not receive answer for question with special characters FIXED
220  KnowWE [DiaFlux] "alway ask" question not handled correctly FIXED
224  KnowWE CI Dashboard has NPE-error when no build are available FIXED
225  KnowWE [DenkbaresDialog] Nullpointer when Cursor leaves Image FIXED
226  KnowWE [DenkbaresDialog] Nullpointer when Cursor leaves Image DUPLICATE
227  KnowWE Renaming knowledge base pages causes problems DUPLICATE
228  KnowWE [DenkbaresDialog] Umlaut in question name breaks answering in denkbares dialog WORKSFORME
229  KnowWE Choice not found when deriving abstract oc question in decision tree FIXED
231  KnowWE Rule parser does not report errors FIXED
232  KnowWE Pfade verschwinden in der Flow-Ansicht WORKSFORME
233  KnowWE Comment Node box causes no available preview on wikipage FIXED
234  KnowWE DiaFlux diagrams may be changed by unauthorized users. FIXED
235  KnowWE Searching leads to OutOfMemoryError FIXED
236  KnowWE Default Markup without content does not work FIXED
237  KnowWE Inhalte werden nicht angezeigt WORKSFORME
238  KnowWE Mauscursor Anzeige und Aktion inkonsistent. WORKSFORME
239  KnowWE Überdeckung wichtiger Eingabeelemente WORKSFORME
240  KnowWE Editing and saving of DiaFlux chart is not possible! FIXED
242  KnowWE long rules will be truncated FIXED
244  KnowWE KnowWE-Server out of memory error FIXED
245  KnowWE ShowSolutions refresh loses menu animation FIXED
247  KnowWE Nullpointer Exception occurred FIXED
248  KnowWE New section IDs are not stable, they change when an article is saved FIXED
249  KnowWE KnowWE needs better display of complex formulas in diaflux FIXED
253  KnowWE Init property markup does not throw error messages FIXED
254  KnowWE [DiaFlux] No scrollbars in view mode for large DiaFlux models FIXED
255  KnowWE [DiaFlux] Edge guards are hidden under larger nodes DUPLICATE
256  KnowWE [CI] No automated CI builds executed for trigger onSave (applies for KnowWE Q SP3) FIXED
257  KnowWE Property markup ignores every second entry FIXED
259  KnowWE NullPointer on Dashboard using Testsuite-Test FIXED
262  KnowWE Rearranging arrows between elements not possible. FIXED
263  KnowWE [Rule] Parser incorrectly chunks a rule with object names containing "IF" FIXED
264  KnowWE [InstantEdit] Deleting the entire text FIXED
265  KnowWE [Rule] ClassCastException in d3web when SpO2 = 100 INVALID
268  KnowWE TestCaseTable produces NullPointerException FIXED
269 KnowWE [DiaFlux] DiaFlux takes wrong path on numeric calculation INVALID
270  KnowWE QuickInterview rounds values like 0.003 to 0 FIXED
271  KnowWE [DiaFlux] Input field for formulas too small FIXED
274  KnowWE [DenkbaresDialog] Infinite loop while loading knowledge base FIXED
275  KnowWE Broken HTML on ObjectInfoPage FIXED
276  KnowWE [ShowSolutions] Allow filtering of Solutions FIXED
277  KnowWE [ShowSolutions] Allow to exclude certain abstractions and solutions FIXED
278  KnowWE [Property] Allow to set a property for all answers with a given text at once DUPLICATE
279  KnowWE [ObjectInfoPage] Renaming does not work correctly if definitions and references are on the same page FIXED
283  KnowWE There is no feedback, if a Question is defined multiple times with different types FIXED
286  KnowWE If a TerminologyObject is defined multiple times, but the first definition was unsuccessful, a NPE is thrown. FIXED
287  KnowWE [DiaFlux] Flowchart is not rendered if there are certain special chars in the title FIXED

Known Issues#

The IDs of the listed issues correspond to the ticket tracking system available at https://tickets.denkbares.com.

IDProductSeverityTitleRelease Comment
230 d3web Average problem Java Heapspace exceeded A benchmark and test environment will be set-up for testing the massive use of d3web sessions.
104  KnowWE Average problem Malicious HTML code in wiki pages/requests For relevant KnowWE applications we recommend to secure the wiki server by htaccess controls and to provide user authentication.
117  KnowWE Lightweight problem URIDecoding of request parameters is done twice: once by Tomcat and once in KnowWEParameterMap For the currently deployed plugins this issue is resolved by workarounds. In further releases this problem should be fixed in a fundamental manner.
132  KnowWE Average problem KnowWE / d3web session identifies the users by their IP adresses This issue may be a problem when users behind a proxy use KnowWE.
146 KnowWE minor [Chrome] Arrows/guards layout issues in DiaFlux after reload This issue is only observed in rare cases. Reloading the editor should resolve it as a workaround.
138  KnowWE trivial [Internet Explorer] Rendering output lacks a lot of line breaks Currently we do not officially support the Internet Explorer in KnowWE.
212  KnowWE trivial [DiaFlux] Start and Exit nodes do not allow certain special characters Workaround: Please try to avoid special characters for names of Start/Exit nodes until the bugfix.
213  KnowWE trivial [Internet Explorer] DiaFlux edit panel does not work with IE9 Currently we do not officially support the Internet Explorer in KnowWE.
222  KnowWE minor TestPersistence does not handle all types of answers The persistence for d3web test cases is currently used with known question types in knowledge engineering projects. After Leeloo the persistence of test cases will undergo a major revision.
223  KnowWE Lightweight problem [MobileApplication] Language Selection doesn't work The mobile application is not part of the current distribution.

Delivered Open-Source Projects#

Project Name Contents QA State
d3web-EmpiricalTesting Validation of knowledge bases using test cases release
d3web-GlobalTests A summarizing project for integration tests combining different projects and components, respectively. release
d3web-Kernel Knowledge representation, basic problem-solvers, session management, default dialog control X release
d3web-Persistence XML knowledge base storage (archived as Jar) X release
d3web-Plugin-BasicProperties Definition of properties for terminology objects using the plugin.xml file X release
d3web-Plugin-CostBenefit Implementation of a dialog strategy (indication of questions) based on a cost-benefit principle. release
d3web-Plugin-DiaFlux Reasoning problem-solver for the DiaFlux language. X release
d3web-Plugin-Kernel-ExtensionPoints The extension possibilities of the d3web kernel defined in the plugin.xml file. X release
d3web-Plugin-Persistence-Basic see d3web-Persistence X release
d3web-Plugin-Persistence-ExtensionPoints see d3web-Persistence X release
d3web-Plugin-SessionPersistence-Basic see d3web-SessionPersistence X release
d3web-Plugin-SessionPersistence-ExtensionPoints see d3web-SessionPersistence X release
d3web-Plugin-XCL The set-covering model reasoning engine implemented as problem-solver plugin for the d3web Kernel. X release
d3web-PluginManager Basic management for connecting plugins to the d3web kernel x release
d3web-SessionPersistence IO components for loading and saving standard cases (i.e. sessions) X release
KnowWE-App Framework app of KnowWE X release
KnowWE-core Basic engines for parsing and the management of wiki content X release
KnowWE-GlobalTestUtils Small set of classes for testing the KnowWE implementation beta
KnowWE-KDOMParseUtils Utils for internal data structure of KnowWE beta
KnowWE-Plugin-CI4KE Plugin for implementing the continuous integration dashboard and engine of KnowWE release
KnowWE-Plugin-CITestModules-d3web Continuous integration tests for d3web knowledge bases in KnowWE beta
KnowWE-Plugin-Core Core plugins and handlers of KnowWE X release
KnowWE-Plugin-d3web-basic The fundamental components to integrate the d3web engine into KnowWE X release
KnowWE-Plugin-d3web-MarkupSet Standard markup components used by some KnowWE/d3web plugins X release
KnowWE-Plugin-ExtensionPoints All extension possibilities for plugging KnowWE X release
KnowWE-Plugin-Flowchart Authoring plugin for KnowWE of the DiaFlux language X release
KnowWE-Plugin-InstantEdit Plugin to allow fast and easy editing of KnowWE articles beta
KnowWE-Plugin-JSPWiki-Connector The connector between the parent wiki engine JSPWiki and the extension KnowWE X release
KnowWE-Plugin-KBRenderer Plugin for easy rendering of the knowledge base content inside KnowWE articles beta
KnowWE-Plugin-QuickInterview A plugin to quickly enter a problem-solving session X release
KnowWE-Plugin-SemanticCore Semantic extensions of KnowWE to represent ontologies X release
KnowWE-Plugin-Tagging Tagging plugin of KnowWE X release
KnowWE-Plugin-TestCase Entering and using test cases in KnowWE release
KnowWE-Resources Template files for the KnowWE server engine X release


Project Name Corresponds to the name of the Maven project, i.e., the name of the source code project. For simplicity, plugin postfixes are omitted (e.g., *jpf-plugin)
Contents A further description of the contents of this module
QA Under regulation of the project contract. All contracted projects are certainly subject of the quality management system. Non-contracted modules may be subject to changes in the proposed release plan.
State Quality assessment of the project:
no: Not officially included, experimental demo
alpha: Basic functions included, API to be considered as "unstable" documentation partly available/not available mostly untested
beta: All functions are included documentation available functionality tested on unit level
release: All functions are included documentation available functionality tested on system level (integration tests) internal processes fully applied (issue management, development process)