

This application generates knowledge bases from a given wiki content folder (or zip file of the folder) extracted from a conventional running KnowWE. The application can be configured via command line arguments and does not itself need a running conventional KnowWE or web service.

Intended Use#

The provided application should be operated by experienced users having basic skills in command line execution. The application was designed to be embedded into a continuous process, for instance called by a script when a new knowledge base has to be deployed. Since, the generated knowledge base heavily depends on the used wiki content, the resulting knowledge base should be bundled, when filed into a version control system. The proposed bundle is as follows:

Installation and Use#

System Requirements#

The installation requires the following components to be installed: Java 8 or newer (


The application comes in two installation variants: An executable java version and a MS-Windows executable. For both variants the required libraries (lib) are included. The application is started by double-clicking the executable file (jar or exe). Alternatively, you can use the command line version for more options:

The available options are as follows (the default values are given in parentheses):

saved to the save directory)



Ant-task to extract knowledgebase from

<target name="extract.knowledgebase.d3web" >
	    <exec executable="${kbb.dir}\KnowWE-Headless-App\KnowWE-Headless-App.exe" failonerror="true" dir="${input.dir}">
		    <arg line="-w ${input.dir}\ -sd ${dest.dir}\input"/>
	    <!-- Due to headlessApp exporting kb as Dashboard.d3web -->		
	    <copy overwrite= "true" file="${dest.dir}\input\Dashboard.d3web" tofile="${dest.dir}\input\knowledgebase.d3web" />	