!!!How-To Knowledge Persistence In general, a knowledge base is physically stored as a Jar file (java archive), that contains a collection of (mostly XML) files. Typically, different types of knowledge are represented by different files in the Jar. The knowledge persistence provides three {{ExtensionPoint}}: * KnowledgeReader * KnowledgeWriter * FragmentHandler !! KnowledgeReader The {{PersistenceManager}} coordinates the loading of a knowledge base by calling appropriate {{KnowledgeReader}} implementations for each file. The extension of the particular {{KnowledgeReader}} defines, which file(s) in the Jar can be handled: Here, it is possible to specify a file name (incl. file path) and/or the specification of a regular expression. The collection of matching files (i.e., files that can be handled by the reader) is the determined by evaluating the regular expression on the Jar file structure. If the file path and the regular expression is specified, then the given file as well as the matching files are handled by the {{FileReader}}. %%prettify {{{ <extension plugin-id="KnowledgePersistenceExtensionPoints" point-id="KnowledgeReader" id="BasicPersistenceHandler"> <parameter id="class" value="de.d3web.core.kpers.BasicPersistenceHandler" /> <parameter id="name" value="BasicPersistenceHandler" /> <parameter id="description" value="KnowledgeReader for basic knowledge" /> <parameter id="version" value="1.0" /> <parameter id="priority" value="1" /> <parameter id="filename" value="kb/basic.xml" /> </extension> }}} /% The example from above shows the extension for the basic persistence handler, that expects the file name {{kb/basic.xml}} for the handling class {{de.d3web.core.kpers.BasicPersistenceHandler}}. In case that two {{KnowledgeReaders}} are able to handle the same file, the {{KnowledgeReader}} with the higher priority is selected for handling the file (no duplicate file handling!). The interface {{KnowledgeReader}} specifies the {{read}} method with the parameters * {{InputStream}} of the file * the {{KnowledgeBase}} instance as input and writes updates to the {{KnowledgeBase}} instance when importing the handled files. !! KnowledgeWriter The same strategy as for the {{KnowledgeReader}} is used when saving a {{KnowledgeBase}} instance physically to a file. In contrast to readers, the extension for a writer only takes a file name and no regular expression for saving the knowledge base. A stream and a knowledge base instance is passed to the writer. The writer extracts all handled knowledge slices from the knowledge base instance and the stores them physically. !!FragmentHandler {{FragmentHandlers}} are special in the way, that they do not handle complete (file-based) knowledge collections, but single knowledge objects. This functionality allows for the application of {{FragmentHandlers}} as helpers within (multiple) {{KnowledgeReaders}} and {{KnowledgeWriters}}. Furthermore, {{FragmentHandlers}} simplify the integration of new {{KnowledgeSlices}} dramatically. We describe the application of {{FragmentHandlers}} by the following example: For saving a rule, we first store their basic properties such as the ID. For the persistence handling of more complex objects of a rule, e.g., the rule condition and the rule action, we call the appropriate {{FragmentHandlers}} for conditions and actions. These calls are realized by following procedure: All {{KnowledgeReaders}} give permission to the {{PersistenceManager}} to select the appropriate handlers for the knowledge objects. With this permission, the {{PersistenceManager}} selects the appropriate {{FragmentHandler}} according to their priority. For each {{FragmentHandler}} (extensions that implement the {{ExtensionPoint}} {{FragmentHandler}}) it is tested, if the handler can store/load the currently considered knowledge object. The handler with the highest priority is the activated to store/load the considered object. For instance, rule conditions are also used as conditioned findings in XCL models, and thus the same {{FragmentHandler}} for conditions can be used by the {{KnowledgeReaders/KnowledgeWriters}} of the rule persistence and the XCL persistence. When extending the domain model of the d3web core, often a new type for a rule condition needs to be defined. For a new rule condition type, we simply need to implement an appropriate {{FragmentHandler}}; this {{FragmentHandler}} can be used by the rule persistence as well as by the XCL persistence. !! Helper Classes We defined a collection of useful abstract classes to avoid unnecessary code duplication for the implementation of (new) {{KnowledgeWriters}}, {{KnowledgeReaders}} and {{FragementHandlers}}: * {{AbstractRulePersistenceHandler}} \\ It implements {{KnowledgeReader}} as well as {{KnowledgeWriter}} and can be used as super class, when implementing a new {{RulePersistenceHandler}}. Then, you need to set the {{RuleType}} in the constructor and you will need to implement the method {{getProblemsolverContent()}}, which returns a list of problem solvers corresponding to the rules to be handled. * {{AbstractExpressionHandler}} * {{QuestionComparatorHandler}} * {{QuestionComparatorGroupedHandler}} %%tags howto create %