!!! Running a d3web [Session|https://isci.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/javadoc/d3web/de/d3web/core/session/Session.html] Once, you have created a [KnowledgeBase|https://isci.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/javadoc/d3web/de/d3web/core/knowledge/KnowledgeBase.html] instance (for example, by [Loading a knowledge base|How-To Load a Knowledge Base]), you can run a problem-solving session. During a problem-solving session you enter Question-Value pairs ([Fact|https://isci.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/javadoc/d3web/de/d3web/core/session/blackboard/Fact.html]) and the system will derive appropriate solutions for the entered facts. !! Creating a new Session Sessions are represented by instances of {{Session}}. Use the {{SessionFactory}} to quickly create a new {{Session}} instance for the {{KnowledgeBase}} instance: %%prettify {{{ Session session = SessionFactory.createSession(knowledgeBase); }}} /% !! Retrieve the next reasonable question The [Interview|https://isci.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/javadoc/d3web/de/d3web/core/session/interviewmanager/Interview.html], instantiated with the Session, determines the next question to be presented to the user. More precisely, a {{FormStrategy}} computes the next {{From}} that is presented in the dialog. A Form consists of a title and an {{interviewObject}} (a Question of a QContainer): %%prettify {{{ Form form = session.getInterview().nextForm(); InterviewObject interviewObject = form.getInterviewObject(); }}} /% To retrieve a single question contained in the {{Form}} you may use the {{NextUnansweredQuestionFormStrategy}}. This can be explicitly set by %%prettify {{{ session.getInterviewManager().setFormStrategy(new NextUnansweredQuestionFormStrategy()); }}} /% !! Entering Facts to the Session Next, we subsequently add facts to the session. When already having the appropriate instances of {{Question}} and {{Value}}, respectively, we are able to simply set the value by %%prettify {{{ Question question = kb.getManager().searchQuestion("QuestionName"); ChoiceValue value = new ChoiceValue("ChoiceName"); Fact fact = FactFactory.createFact(session, question, value, PSMethodUserSelected.getInstance(), PSMethodUserSelected.getInstance()); session.getBlackboard().addValueFact(fact); }}} /% Please note, that we create a new {{Fact}} having the question and value. Additionally, the source of the fact is the User (PSMethodUserSelected) and the corresponding problem-solver is also the user. In different scenarios, the source may be the instance of a {{Rule}} used in the context of a particular PSMethod instance. !! Check the Derived Solutions We retrieve the list of derived solutions together with their state by iterating over all solutions in the knowledge base and by asking for a diagnosis {{Rating}} that is different from UNCLEAR. This way, we return solution instances with states ESTABLISHED, SUGGESTED, and EXCLUDED. %%prettify {{{ for (Solution solution : knowledgeBase.getSolutions()) { Rating state = session.getBlackboard().getState(solution); if (!state.hasState(Rating.State.UNCLEAR)) out.println(" " + solution + " (" + state + ")"); } }}} /% Sometimes it is easier (and a bit faster) to just get all solutions in a particular state, e.g. all established solutions: %%prettify {{{ out.println("All established solutions:"); for (Solution solution : session.getBlackboard().getSolutions(Rating.State.ESTABLISHED)) { out.println(solution); } }}} /% !! Revisit the entered Facts You can simply retrieve all entered facts by the following code block: %%prettify {{{ for (ProtocolEntry entry : session.getProtocol().getProtocolHistory()) { out.println(entry); } }}} /% Please note, that the session manages a {{Protocol}}, where entered findings (question/value tuples) are stored in a chronological order. !! The Complete Example __Note:__ The current version of the full example should be found in d3web-GlobalTests as the class {{de.d3web.demos.RunningACase}}. %%prettify {{{ public void runDemoCase() throws IOException { KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase = buildKnowledgeBase(); PrintStream out = System.out; // Create a case (problem-solving session and set all specified // question/answers out.println("+++ Setting values +++"); Session session = SessionFactory.createSession(knowledgeBase); // set: pregnant = yes Fact fact1 = FactFactory.createFact(pregnant, yes, PSMethodUserSelected .getInstance(), PSMethodUserSelected.getInstance()); session.getBlackboard().addValueFact(fact1); out.println(fact1); // set: weight = 80 Fact fact2 = FactFactory.createFact(weight, new NumValue(80), PSMethodUserSelected.getInstance(), PSMethodUserSelected.getInstance()); session.getBlackboard().addValueFact(fact2); out.println(fact2); // Print all solutions with a state != UNCLEAR out.println("+++ Solutions +++"); for (Solution solution : knowledgeBase.getSolutions()) { Rating state = session.getBlackboard().getState(solution); if (!state.hasState(Rating.State.UNCLEAR)) out.println(" " + solution + " (" + state + ")"); } // Show all entered findings out.println("+++ Entered Questions +++"); for (ProtocolEntry entry : session.getProtocol().getProtocolHistory()) { out.println(" " + entry); } } private KnowledgeBase buildKnowledgeBase() throws IOException { // root {container} // - demoQuestion {containers} // - pregnant [oc] // - weight [num] // Solution: dangerousMood InitPluginManager.init(); KnowledgeBase kb = KnowledgeBaseUtils.createKnowledgeBase(); QContainer demoQuestion = new QContainer(kb.getRootQASet(), "demoQuestions"); QuestionYN pregnant = new QuestionYN(demoQuestion, "pregnant"); Choice yes = pregnant.getAnswerChoiceYes(); QuestionNum weight = new QuestionNum(demoQuestion, "weight"); Solution dangerousMood = new Solution(kb.getRootSolution(), "dangerousMood"); // Define the init questionnaire kb.setInitQuestions(Arrays.asList(demoQuestion)); // Define the magic rule: preganant=yes AND weight > 70 => dangerousMood // (P7) List<Condition> terms = new ArrayList<Condition>(); terms.add(new CondEqual(pregnant, new ChoiceValue(yes))); terms.add(new CondNumGreater(weight, Double.valueOf(70))); RuleFactory.createHeuristicPSRule(dangerousMood, Score.P7, new CondAnd(terms)); return kb; } }}} /% %%tags howto create Session %