Latest stable release#
The latest stable release can always be downloaded at SourceForge: Download (SourceForge)
d3web/KnowWE Releases so far#
Release Date | Name | Changes | Comment |
2012-10-30 | Mystique | Fast and beautiful | Winter Release |
2012-04-30 | Sherlock | Solves every case | Spring Release |
2011-12-20 | Leeloo | Came to save the world | Winter Release |
2011-05-06 | Q | d3web * Faster reasoning due to refactoring of the blackboard architecture. * DiaFlux: Improved version of the DiaFlux problem-solver. * Improvement of test coverage and code analysis results. * Small API changes for a better access to the terminology and the problem-solving knowledge. * New API for test case analysis of problem-solving sessions (see EmpiricalTesting). KnowWE * KnowledgeBase tag: Names of downloaded knowledge base can be specified in advance. * ShowSolutions tag: Restrict presented abstractions and define the number of digits for displayed numerical questions. * ObjectInfo: You can click on the definition of terminology objects in order to open an object info page: Here references, definitions, and further information of this object is shown. * DiaFlux: Much improved editor for creating and editing DiaFlux models, better editing possibilities and new icons. A renderer highlights the current flow in the view mode of the article, when a problem-solving session is executed. * Continuous integration (still beta): New CI damon designed for placement in left menu. Some extensions of tests. | Spring Release |
2010-12-15 | Moneypenny | d3web * Version of a temporal database storing and reasoning with sequential system inputs. * DiaFlux engine for representing and running procedural guideline knowledge. * Properties for terminological objects refactored: For instance, now it is very simple to internationalize knowledge bases. KnowWE * A knowledge base is now created by defining packages of knowledge elements. Simply annotate markups with packages and compile them into one knowledge base. See documentation and demos for further details. * Changed the default article storage to a version provider: Now, old versions of wiki articles are also stored (see directory OLD in the wikicontent directory). * Introduced user "admin"/"admin" as administrator of the wiki (can delete and rename pages, please change password when deploying into productive use). * Version of markups to define time-values events and abstractions. * New solutions panel: The ShowSolutions markup shows derived solutions and abstractions in a configurable manner. * Refactored input possibilities and style for the QuickInterview. * Property markup to attach (localized) properties to terminological objects. * Experimental plugin to perform continuous integration on d3web knowledge bases (see: car fault diagnosis demo). * denkbares Dialog (commercial plugin) syncs with the problem-solving session of KnowWE (and thus with QuickI). | Beta |
2010-09-09 | Hancock | d3web * New problem-solving engines can be added using the new plug-in architecture. * Offers problem-solving methods for heuristic scoring rules, extensible covering models, abstraction rules, and indication rules. * Loading and storing performed problem-solving sessions. * Empirical testing testing feature that runs test cases to evaluate a knowledge base. * (Experimental) version of a temporal database storing and reasoning with sequential system inputs. * (Experimental) DiaFlux engine for representing and running guideline knowledge KnowWE * Extensions for defining knowledge bases using rule-based and set-covering knowledge. * Plugin for running test cases within the wiki. * (Experimental) version of markups to define time-values events and abstractions. * denkbares Dialog for running test cases interactively (as preview). | Preview |
The releases linked on this page are licensed under LGPL.
For optional commercial extensions, please contact denkbares.
Further information regarding licencing: FAQ: Licensing