!!! How to create UML diagrams The UML-Plugin gives you the ability to easily add and maintain simple UML diagrams on your wiki pages. To do that you can specify the contents of the diagram as textual markup. The resulting diagram will be auto-layouted by the system and displayed as a graphic on the page. {{{ %%Todo Fix error in test "Leaking air intake system (Demo)". @progress: WAITING @prio: NORMAL % }}} %%UML left to right direction :Account-Manager: --> (3. Project) (3. Project) <|-- (3.1 Project Concept) (3. Project) <|-- (3.2 Project Implementation) (3. Project) <|-- (3.3 Project Delivery) (3. Project) <|-- (3.4 Education and Training) (3.1 Project Concept) <-- :Developer\nSupporter: (3.2 Project Implementation) <-- :Developer\nSupporter: (3.3 Project Delivery) <-- :Quality Manager: /% ! Annotations and their possible values || Annotations || Range | type (deprecated) | FIX, URGENT, NORMAL | user | <name> | deadline | <date> | progress | NOT STARTED, IN PROGRESS, COMPLETED, WAITING, DEFERRED, CLOSED, <number> | prio | HIGH, LOW, NORMAL !! Related Docs * [Doc TodoList] %%tags Documentation todo %