!!! Inline SPARQL Queries

The sparql markup allows to execute a query on the ontology repository. The result of the query will be rendered into the wiki page (instead of the query).


After the SPARQL statement the following annotations can be inserted:

|| Annotation || Description 
| Doc%20InlineSparql |

! Example

The sparql markup allows full support of the SPARQL 1.1. query language specification, which can be found here: [http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/]

The following simple example shows a query selecting all instances of the class Person:

SELECT ?x  WHERE {?x rdf:type lns:Person .} 

Instead of the query, the wiki page will show a table presenting the result of the query.

! See also

* [InlineSparql|Doc InlineSparql]