[{TableOfContents }] !!! Definition The sparql markup allows to execute a query on the ontology repository. The result of the query will be rendered into the wiki page (instead of the query). {{{ %%sparql... }}} After the SPARQL statement the following annotations can be inserted: || Annotation || Description | @name | Gives the SPARQL the specified name. The name can be used as reference in other markups (like [InlineSparql|Doc InlineSparql]) | @zebramode | Renders the result table in zebra-style (gray/white). | @border | A visual border is painted around the result table cells. | @rawOutput | No abbreviations are used in the result table, but the full content (of literals for example) is printed. | @showQuery | Besides the results of the query, also the query is shown in the view mode of the wiki. | @sorting | The result table is sorted. | @timeout | The SPARQL gets more time to calculate the results; parameter in milliseconds. !!! Example The sparql markup allows full support of the SPARQL 1.1. query language specification, which can be found here: [http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/] The following simple example shows a query selecting all instances of the class Person: {{{ %%sparql SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x rdf:type lns:Person . } @name: exampleQuery @zebramode: true @border: true % }}} In the view mode the results of the query are shown. !!! Hierarchy Table Example [Demo - Simpsons] {{{ SELECT (SAMPLE(?sub) as ?sub) (SAMPLE(?par) as ?par) (SAMPLE(?name) as ?name) ?concept WHERE { { # bind si:abraham as root node BIND (si:abraham as ?sub) . } UNION { # collect all parent child relations (will be conntected automagically to si:abraham) ?sub si:parent ?par ; } # display name and concept as table columns ?sub rdfs:label ?name . BIND (?sub as ?concept) . } GROUP BY ?concept }}} !!! See also * [InlineSparql|Doc InlineSparql]