!!! Creating an Ontology An ontology is created in a similar way as a d3web knowledge base using the ''knowledgebase'' markup. {{{ %%knowledgebase % }}} A more detailed description of this markup can be found on the page [Doc KnowledgeFormalization]. !! Creating Ontology Entities within the Local Namespace Ontologies in KnowWE are based on the RDF standard ([http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax/]). In RDF every resource is identified by a full qualified URI name. For brevity, KnowWE uses shortened identifier such as ''rdf'' for ''http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#''. The resource ''http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type'' therefore is called ''rdf:type'' in KnowWE. Ontology entities newly created within the wiki are created in the ontology repository under the so-called local namespace, that is the URL referring to the wiki installation URL. On the wiki pages, the local namespace (''lns'') is ommitted. ! Example {{{ %%class Person %%Individual Ms. MoneyPenny %%relation "Ms. MoneyPenny" rdf:type Person }}} The following markups can be used to create ontology entities (under local namespace if the namespace prefix is omitted): * [Class| Doc Class] * [Individual| Doc Individual] * [ObjectProperty| Doc ObjectProperty] * [Relation| Doc Relation] * [Turtle| Doc Turtle] Beside the local namespace, also other namespaces may freely be defined using the [Namespace| Doc Namespace] markup. For sparql queries in the [SPARQL|Doc SPARQL] markup, always a namespace needs to be defined (including ''lns:'' for the local namespace) for triple patterns of a query.