! Definition:\\
Diaflux is a graphical workflow authoring plugin for KnowWE.
It is used to model complex problems in an easy to read and understand fashion.

! Syntax and Semantic:\\
An Diaflux workflow is defined inside the markup __DiaFlux__

- user_inputs
-- temperature [num] {DEGREES_C}

- system_output
-- warm
-- cold
-- just_fine

<flowchart fcid="flow_7184e213" name="ExampleWorkFlow" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="750" height="500" autostart="false" idCounter="4">

	<!-- nodes of the flowchart -->
	<node fcid="#node_2">
		<position left="57" top="44"></position>

	<node fcid="#node_3">
		<position left="591" top="379"></position>

	<!-- rules of the flowchart -->