! Definition:\\
Diaflux is a graphical workflow authoring plugin for KnowWE.
It is used to model complex problems in an easy to read and understand fashion.

! Syntax and Semantic:\\
An Diaflux workflow is defined inside the markup __DiaFlux__

<flowchart fcid="flow_7184e213" name="ExampleWorkFlow" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="750" height="500" autostart="false" idCounter="23">

	<!-- nodes of the flowchart -->
	<node fcid="#node_2">
		<position left="57" top="44"></position>

	<node fcid="#node_3">
		<position left="591" top="379"></position>

	<node fcid="#node_5">
		<position left="231" top="59"></position>

	<node fcid="#node_6">
		<position left="317" top="157"></position>
		<action markup="KnOffice">"warm" = P7</action>

	<node fcid="#node_9">
		<position left="196" top="157"></position>
		<action markup="KnOffice">"cold" = P7</action>

	<node fcid="#node_11">
		<position left="572" top="157"></position>
		<action markup="KnOffice">"just_fine" = P7</action>

	<node fcid="#node_16">
		<position left="473" top="368"></position>
		<action markup="KnOffice">"just_fine" = N7</action>

	<node fcid="#node_18">
		<position left="504" top="267"></position>
		<action markup="KnOffice">"warm" = N7</action>

	<node fcid="#node_19">
		<position left="619" top="268"></position>
		<action markup="KnOffice">"cold" = N7</action>

	<!-- rules of the flowchart -->
	<edge fcid="#rule_7">

	<edge fcid="#rule_8">
		<guard markup="KnOffice">"ambient_temperature" > 25</guard>

	<edge fcid="#rule_10">
		<guard markup="KnOffice">"ambient_temperature" < 25</guard>

	<edge fcid="#rule_12">
		<guard markup="KnOffice">"ambient_temperature" = 25</guard>
		<routingPoint x="0.9747292418772563" y="0" />

	<edge fcid="#rule_15">
		<routingPoint x="0" y="0.86" />

	<edge fcid="#rule_14">
		<routingPoint x="0" y="1" />

	<edge fcid="#rule_17">

	<edge fcid="#rule_20">

	<edge fcid="#rule_21">

	<edge fcid="#rule_22">

	<edge fcid="#rule_23">


 @package: DiafluxExample

! Diaflux elements
The Diaflux workflow may be edited using the __Visual Editor__.
[{Image src='visual_editor.jpg' width='222' height='99' align='left' }]\\

[{Image src='visual_editor_edit_nodes.jpg' width='540' height='303' align='left' }]\\

* Start node: entry point for a DiaFlux\\
* Exit node: exit point of a DiaFlux\\
* Action node: select a question or solution here and model an interaction with this node.\\
* Comment node: use this node to provide annotations to transitions or nodes.\\
* SnapShot node: used to inhibit the truth maintainance to reverse decisions before this snapshot. (Behaves like a diode.)\\

!Graphical tools:\\
* Increase height of diagram\\
* Decrease height of diagram\\
* Increase width of diagram\\
* Decrease width of diagram\\

!Editor tools:\\
* Save flowchart and close editor\\
* Revert changes\\
* Close editor without saving\\
* Delete flowchart\\

!! Best Practices\\
* A Diaflux shall have a unique name.\\
* One Diaflux needs to be checked for Autostart. (That is where a session workflow will start.)\\
* Do not overload a single DiaFlux. Model rather small parts and reference them in a superior DiaFlux-Diagram.\\
  Rule of thumb: Not more than a monitors field of view.


@comment: a simple example
@filename: knowledgebase.d3web
@version: 0.01
@uses: DiafluxExample

- user_inputs
-- ambient_temperature [num] {DEGREES_C}
@package: DiafluxExample

- system_output
-- warm
-- cold
-- just_fine
@package: DiafluxExample
