The Simpsons is a popular comic televisions series. A comprehensive overview (in german) is Simpsonspedia.
This page shows, how we implement the simpsons ontology in KnowWE.
Also, please check out our visualization docs, which are based on the ontology defined here: Doc SparqlVisualization, Doc ConceptVisualization
We first define some classes framing the example domain.
Some (alternative ways) to express negations.
rdfs:range si:Human; rdfs:domain si:Human.
Bart never wants to be a female.
We now insert some characters and things of the Simpsons world.
We can also introduce blank nodes to represent the belongings of Mr. Burns.
Ok, we can test/query the ontology by inserting some SPARQL statements.
Show me all instances of Human and also show their labels.
Use property paths in SPARQL.
name |
si:abraham |
Now using a defined PropertyChain
name |
si:abraham |
We also can add optional patterns into the query. Show all humans and their (optional) belongings.
name | belonging |
Homer Simpson | |
Abraham Simpson | |
Lisa Simpson | |
Maggie Simpson | |
Yuma Hickman | |
Charles Montgomery Burns | Mr. Burns' dog |
Marge Simpson | |
Bart Simpson |
name |
Homer Simpson |
Abraham Simpson |
Lisa Simpson |
Maggie Simpson |
Yuma Hickman |
Charles Montgomery Burns |
Marge Simpson |
Bart Simpson |
Mr. Burns' dog |
The family father: A father that is also a husband
name | husband |
Homer Simpson | si:homer |
name | concept |
Abraham Simpson | si:abraham |
Bart Simpson | si:bart |
Lisa Simpson | si:lisa |
Maggie Simpson | si:maggie |
This wiki article belongs to the simpsons package.
We define the ontology using all articles of the simpsons package.
Let's use the namespace si for the resources.