%%information This demo is in an early stage, please add more explanations !Classes %%Class Character SuperHero Movie SuperHeroMovie % !Relations %%relation SuperHero rdfs:subClassOf Character SuperHeroMovie rdfs:subClassOf Movie % !Individuals/Instances %%Individual KickAss The Movie KickAss2 The Movie @type SuperHeroMovie % %%Individual KickAss Hit-Girl Night Bitch Motherfucker Mother Russia Black Death Bad Ass Warrior Red Mist @type SuperHero % !Properties %%ObjectProperty characterIn @domain: Character @range: Movie % %%ObjectProperty superHeroCharacterIn @domain: SuperHero @range: Movie % %%ObjectProperty hasSuperHeroCharacter @range: SuperHero @domain: Movie % !Relations between properties %%relation hasSuperHeroCharacter owl:inverseOf superHeroCharacterIn %%relation superHeroCharacterIn rdfs:subPropertyOf characterIn !Defining Individual relations %%turtle KickAss2 The Movie hasSuperHeroCharacter:: KickAss, Hit-Girl, Night Bitch, Mother Russia, Motherfucker, Black Death, Bad Ass Warrior % %%turtle KickAss The Movie hasSuperHeroCharacter:: KickAss, Hit-Girl, Red Mist % !Querys to our ontology Show all known characters and the movies they play in. %%sparql SELECT ?Character ?Movie WHERE { ?Character rdf:type lns:Character . ?Character lns:characterIn ?Movie } ORDER BY ?Movie ?Character @zebramode: true @master: OntologyExample % Show the characters that play in both movies %%sparql SELECT ?Character WHERE { ?Character lns:characterIn <lns:KickAss+The+Movie> . ?Character lns:characterIn <lns:KickAss2+The+Movie>} @master: OntologyExample % !Misc %%knowledgebase % %%Package ontology