!!! Car Diagnosis [{Image src='VW_Golf6.jpg' width='300' height='212' align='right' style='border: solid 1px; margin-right:30px' caption='VW Golf 6 (from Wikipedia)'}] This demo knowledge base covers some exemplary faults of a car. Each fault is represented with text and its corresponding knowledge on a single wiki article: * [Damaged idle speed system|Demo - DamagedIdleSpeedSystem] * [Leaking air intake system|Demo - LeakingAirIntakeSystem] * [Clogged air filter|Demo - CloggedAirFilter] * [Bad ignition timing|Demo - BadIgnitionTiming] * [Flat battery|Demo - FlatBattery] The common terminology of the knowledge base is defined in a single wiki article: * [Terminology|Demo - Terminology] All knowledge defined above is compiled in a so-called master article. The master article provides means of testing the knowledge base, downloading an executable version, etc. * [Master Knowledge Base|Demo - Master] Testing: * [Continuous integration|Demo - Continuous Integration] * [Test cases|Demo - Test Cases] %%tags Demo Car Diagnosis %