!!! Leaking air intake system
adapted from Wikipedia

!! General

A (cold) air intake is a device used to bring lower temperature air into a car's internal-combustion engine, to increase engine power and efficiency. 

It also enhances efficiency through higher flow, and can increase the life of the engine by allowing it to run cooler.

!! Typical Symptoms

A Leaking air intake system can cause symptoms like insufficient power on full or partial load. Additionally, it can be the reason for an unsteady idle speed or increased mileage.

!! Repair Instructions

[{Image src='air_intake-system.jpg' width='180' height='130' align='right' caption='Air Intake' style='border: solid 1px;'}]

If there is a leak in the air intake the only way to fix this problem is to change the air intake. 

Therefor the old/factory air intake system has to be removed from the car. At this point it is highly recommended to check if there are better/custom air intakes which offer an increased engine power and efficiency than the standard/factory air intake. 

Afterwards a new air filter has to be installed by attaching it to the air intake pipe. The new air filter should always be checked that it is pre-oiled and not damaged. 

Finally the new air intake can be installed.


IF Driving = insufficient power on full load 
   AND Mileage evaluation = slightly increased
THEN Leaking air intake system = P5

IF NOT (Driving = insufficient power on partial load OR 
     Driving = unsteady idle speed OR 
     Driving = insufficient power on full load)
THEN Leaking air intake system  = N3

IF Driving = insufficient power on full load
THEN Leaking air intake system = P5

IF Driving = insufficient power on partial load
THEN Leaking air intake system = P3

IF Driving = unsteady idle speed
THEN Leaking air intake system = P1

IF Mileage evaluation = slightly increased
THEN Leaking air intake system = P3

IF Mileage evaluation = normal
THEN Leaking air intake system = N4

IF Mileage evaluation = increased
THEN Leaking air intake system = P4

IF "Check: Air intake system." = ok
THEN Leaking air intake system = N7

IF "Check: Air intake system." = not ok
THEN Leaking air intake system = P7

@package: demo
