!!! What are the last x changes to any project of a module

Specify modules...

SELECT DISTINCT (?pluginID AS ?Plugin) (?author AS ?Last_Editor) (?commitText AS ?Last_Change)
?plugin rdf:type lns:Plugin .
?plugin lns:hasID ?pluginID .
?plugin lns:hasChange ?change . 
?change lns:hasAuthor ?author .
?change lns:hasCommitText ?commitText .
ORDER BY ?Plugin
!!! What are the test stats for the module
SELECT DISTINCT (?pluginID AS ?Plugin) (?value AS ?Tests)
?plugin rdf:type lns:Plugin .
?plugin lns:hasID ?pluginID .
?plugin lns:hasStat ?stat .
?stat lns:hasKey ?key .
?stat lns:hasValue ?value .
!!! Authors (people who created modules, changed them)
SELECT DISTINCT (?pluginID AS ?Plugin) (?author AS ?Editor)
?plugin rdf:type lns:Plugin .
?plugin lns:hasID ?pluginID .
?plugin lns:hasChange ?change . 
?change lns:hasAuthor ?author .
?change lns:hasCommitText ?commitText .
ORDER BY ?Plugin
!!! What projects are not in any complex/aggregated module

!!! What projects are part of this module
!!! What is the heat of the module (changes/day in the last month?)

!!! General stats, if possible? LoC, Classes, BuildNumber

!!! More interesting stuff?

Writes the content of CI-Info files to KnowWE's ontology...