This page (revision-42) was last changed on 04-Feb-2015 10:13 by Albrecht Striffler

This page was created on 17-Dec-2012 11:30 by Joba Baumeister

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
42 04-Feb-2015 10:13 10 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous
41 17-Dec-2012 18:12 10 KB Volker Belli to previous | to last

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At line 1 changed one line
!!! Tutorial Printer Problem - DiaFlux
[{TableOfContents title='Contents - DiaFlux' numbered='true'}]
At line 3 added one line
!!! Overview
At line 8 changed one line
!! Handling Connection Problems
!!! Handling Connection Problems
At line 16 removed one line
At line 20 changed one line
Please insert a start and a stop node (from the toolbar) into the flowchart first.
Please insert a start node (from the toolbar) into the flowchart first.
At line 22 changed one line
We drag the questions from the left hierarchy into the editor pane and connect the nodes
We drag the questions from the left hierarchy into the editor pane and connect the nodes.
Please insert ''Connection Flow'' into the text field as the name of the flowchart.
After saving the editor the flowchart looks as depicted in the image below.
At line 24 removed 2 lines
Please insert ''Connection Flow'' into the text field as the name of the flowchart.
At line 30 changed one line
When saving the editor, the following view is depicted in the wiki.
Below, the original DiaFlux knowledge is shown.
At line 33 changed one line
<flowchart fcid="flow_2ef698e4" name="Connection Flow" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="750" height="500" autostart="false" idCounter="24">
<flowchart fcid="flow_2ef698e4" name="Connection Flow" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="614" height="540" autostart="false" idCounter="26">
At line 37 changed one line
<position left="144" top="13"></position>
<position left="90" top="20"></position>
At line 41 removed 5 lines
<node fcid="#node_3">
<position left="601" top="470"></position>
At line 47 changed 2 lines
<position left="74" top="95"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">Please check the power supply of the printer</action>
<position left="20" top="102"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA[Please check the power supply of the printer]]></action>
At line 52 changed 2 lines
<position left="74" top="181"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">How is the printer connected to your computer</action>
<position left="20" top="188"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA[How is the printer connected to your computer]]></action>
At line 57 changed 2 lines
<position left="570" top="107"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"No power supply" = P7</action>
<position left="457" top="114"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["No power supply" = P7]]></action>
At line 62 changed 2 lines
<position left="74" top="269"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer</action>
<position left="20" top="276"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA[Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer]]></action>
At line 67 changed 2 lines
<position left="74" top="357"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">Please exchange the cable and try to print again</action>
<position left="20" top="364"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA[Please exchange the cable and try to print again]]></action>
At line 72 changed 2 lines
<position left="436" top="368"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"Broken cable" = P7</action>
<position left="468" top="375"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Broken cable" = P7]]></action>
At line 77 changed 2 lines
<position left="429" top="273"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"Cable not connected" = P7</action>
<position left="445" top="280"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Cable not connected" = P7]]></action>
At line 82 changed 2 lines
<position left="429" top="188"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"No solution found" = P7</action>
<position left="454.5" top="195"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["No solution found" = P7]]></action>
At line 81 added 4 lines
<node fcid="#XX_25">
<position left="59" top="489"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["No solution found" = P7]]></action>
At line 86 added one line
At line 91 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Please check the power supply of the printer" = "Printer is not connected or power is off"</guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Please check the power supply of the printer" = "Printer is not connected or power is off"]]></guard>
At line 94 removed 6 lines
<edge fcid="#rule_8">
<routingPoint x="0" y="0.9778481012658228" />
At line 103 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Please check the power supply of the printer" = "Printer is connected and power is on"</guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Please check the power supply of the printer" = "Printer is connected and power is on"]]></guard>
At line 109 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice">"How is the printer connected to your computer" = "Connected by cable"</guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["How is the printer connected to your computer" = "Connected by cable"]]></guard>
At line 115 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer" = "Yes"</guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer" = "Yes"]]></guard>
At line 121 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Please exchange the cable and try to print again" = "Now it works"</guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Please exchange the cable and try to print again" = "Now it works"]]></guard>
At line 124 removed 5 lines
<edge fcid="#rule_16">
At line 132 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer" = "No"</guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer" = "No"]]></guard>
At line 135 removed 6 lines
<edge fcid="#rule_19">
<routingPoint x="0.7307692307692307" y="0.489247311827957" />
At line 144 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice">"How is the printer connected to your computer" = "Connected by Wifi"</guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["How is the printer connected to your computer" = "Connected by Wifi"]]></guard>
At line 147 removed 13 lines
<edge fcid="#rule_22">
<routingPoint x="10" y="0.6531365313653137" />
<edge fcid="#rule_23">
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Please exchange the cable and try to print again" = "Stil not printing"</guard>
<routingPoint x="-7" y="1" />
At line 135 added 6 lines
<edge fcid="#rule_26">
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Please exchange the cable and try to print again" = "Still not printing"]]></guard>
At line 142 added one line
At line 148 added one line
!!! Handling Quality Problems
At line 172 changed one line
%%todo DiaFlux for printer problems tutorial @user: joba
As with the "Connection" segment of the knowledge base you also create a DiaFlux flowchart for printing quality problems by using an empty {{DiaFlux}} markup.
At line 174 changed one line
!! Handling Quality Problems
At line 176 changed one line
%%todo DiaFlux for printer problems tutorial @user: joba
Drag and drop the questions of the questionnaire ''Quality Questions'' into the pane and connect the nodes as shown in the image depicted below.
At line 178 changed one line
!! Defining the Initial Questionnaire
[{Image src='DiaFlux Printer Quality.png' width='800' align='left' caption='The flowchart model for handling quality problems with the printer.' }]
At line 180 changed one line
We define the entry of the knowledge base, where the user is asked about the general problem with the printer.
After saving the editor pane, the flowchart is saved as a new DiaFlux model as shown originally below.
<flowchart fcid="flow_a87b5012" name="Printing Quality Flow" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="750" height="500" autostart="false" idCounter="20">
<!-- nodes of the flowchart -->
<node fcid="#node_2">
<position left="207" top="7"></position>
<node fcid="#node_4">
<position left="187" top="73"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">Dirty housing</action>
<node fcid="#node_5">
<position left="187" top="150"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">Toner capacity</action>
<node fcid="#node_6">
<position left="195" top="229"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">Paper count</action>
<node fcid="#node_9">
<position left="482" top="76"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"Dirty toner" = P7</action>
<node fcid="#node_13">
<position left="160" top="296"></position>
<decision>Toner usage evaluation</decision>
<node fcid="#node_15">
<position left="405" top="303"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"Empty toner" = P7</action>
<node fcid="#node_17">
<position left="180" top="380"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"No solution found" = P7</action>
<!-- rules of the flowchart -->
<edge fcid="#rule_7">
<edge fcid="#rule_8">
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Dirty housing" = "No"</guard>
<edge fcid="#rule_10">
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Dirty housing" = "Yes"</guard>
<edge fcid="#rule_12">
<guard markup="KnOffice">KNOWN["Toner capacity"]</guard>
<edge fcid="#rule_14">
<edge fcid="#rule_16">
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Toner usage evaluation" = "low"</guard>
<edge fcid="#rule_18">
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Toner usage evaluation" = "normal"</guard>
!!! Defining the Initial Questionnaire
After the definition of all subsequent problem areas, we define the entry of the knowledge base.
Here, the user is asked about the general problem with the printer and delegated to the already defined problem areas.
At line 276 added 2 lines
At line 195 changed one line
Then, the questionnaire ''Connection Questions'' and ''Quality Questions'' is
Then, the DiaFlux flowcharts ''Connection Flow'' and ''Printing Quality Flow'' are called depending of the given answer.
At line 199 changed one line
<flowchart fcid="flow_b77240b2" name="Printer Problem Entry" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="750" height="541" autostart="true" idCounter="14">
<flowchart fcid="flow_b77240b2" name="Printer Problem Entry" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="750" height="306" autostart="true" idCounter="20">
At line 203 changed one line
<position left="326" top="58"></position>
<position left="326" top="64"></position>
At line 212 removed 10 lines
<node fcid="#node_5">
<position left="82" top="179"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">Connection Questions</action>
<node fcid="#node_7">
<position left="335" top="179"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">Quality Questions</action>
At line 223 changed one line
<position left="540" top="179"></position>
<position left="540" top="214"></position>
At line 227 changed 3 lines
<node fcid="#node_11">
<position left="369" top="304"></position>
<node fcid="#node_15">
<position left="92" top="210"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">CALL[Printing Quality Flow(Start)]</action>
At line 307 added 4 lines
<node fcid="#node_16">
<position left="332" top="214"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">CALL[Connection Flow(Start)]</action>
At line 312 added one line
At line 239 changed one line
<edge fcid="#rule_6">
<edge fcid="#rule_10">
At line 241 changed 4 lines
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Please specify your problem" = "Printer does not print"</guard>
<routingPoint x="1" y="-11" />
<routingPoint x="1" y="0" />
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Please specify your problem" = "No else"</guard>
<routingPoint x="62" y="0" />
At line 247 changed one line
<edge fcid="#rule_8">
<edge fcid="#rule_17">
At line 249 changed one line
At line 251 changed one line
<routingPoint x="0.9446640316205533" y="0" />
<routingPoint x="0.8626760563380281" y="0" />
At line 254 changed one line
<edge fcid="#rule_10">
<edge fcid="#rule_18">
At line 256 changed 3 lines
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Please specify your problem" = "No else"</guard>
<routingPoint x="62" y="0" />
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Please specify your problem" = "Printer does not print"</guard>
At line 261 changed 4 lines
<edge fcid="#rule_12">
At line 266 removed 4 lines
<edge fcid="#rule_13">
At line 271 changed 5 lines
<edge fcid="#rule_14">
<routingPoint x="0" y="0.8514851485148515" />
At line 277 changed 2 lines
Now, the knowledge base is ready to use, since all terms are defined and connected by the DiaFlux models.
At line 280 removed one line
At line 349 added 3 lines
printerProblems tutorial