This page (revision-42) was last changed on 04-Feb-2015 10:13 by Albrecht Striffler

This page was created on 17-Dec-2012 11:30 by Joba Baumeister

Only authorized users are allowed to rename pages.

Only authorized users are allowed to delete pages.

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
42 04-Feb-2015 10:13 10 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous
41 17-Dec-2012 18:12 10 KB Volker Belli to previous | to last

Difference between version and

At line 4 added one line
At line 18 added one line
At line 20 changed one line
Please insert a start node (from the toolbar) into the flowchart first.
Please insert a start and a stop node (from the toolbar) into the flowchart first.
At line 33 changed one line
<flowchart fcid="flow_2ef698e4" name="Connection Flow" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="614" height="540" autostart="false" idCounter="26">
<flowchart fcid="flow_2ef698e4" name="Connection Flow" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="750" height="500" autostart="false" idCounter="24">
At line 37 changed one line
<position left="90" top="20"></position>
<position left="144" top="13"></position>
At line 42 changed 2 lines
<position left="20" top="102"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA[Please check the power supply of the printer]]></action>
<position left="74" top="95"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">Please check the power supply of the printer</action>
At line 47 changed 2 lines
<position left="20" top="188"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA[How is the printer connected to your computer]]></action>
<position left="74" top="181"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">How is the printer connected to your computer</action>
At line 52 changed 2 lines
<position left="457" top="114"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["No power supply" = P7]]></action>
<position left="570" top="107"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"No power supply" = P7</action>
At line 57 changed 2 lines
<position left="20" top="276"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA[Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer]]></action>
<position left="74" top="269"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer</action>
At line 62 changed 2 lines
<position left="20" top="364"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA[Please exchange the cable and try to print again]]></action>
<position left="74" top="357"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">Please exchange the cable and try to print again</action>
At line 67 changed 2 lines
<position left="468" top="375"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Broken cable" = P7]]></action>
<position left="436" top="368"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"Broken cable" = P7</action>
At line 72 changed 2 lines
<position left="445" top="280"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Cable not connected" = P7]]></action>
<position left="429" top="273"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"Cable not connected" = P7</action>
At line 77 changed 2 lines
<position left="454.5" top="195"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["No solution found" = P7]]></action>
<position left="429" top="188"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"No solution found" = P7</action>
At line 81 removed 4 lines
<node fcid="#XX_25">
<position left="59" top="489"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["No solution found" = P7]]></action>
At line 86 removed one line
At line 91 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Please check the power supply of the printer" = "Printer is not connected or power is off"]]></guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Please check the power supply of the printer" = "Printer is not connected or power is off"</guard>
At line 97 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Please check the power supply of the printer" = "Printer is connected and power is on"]]></guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Please check the power supply of the printer" = "Printer is connected and power is on"</guard>
At line 103 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["How is the printer connected to your computer" = "Connected by cable"]]></guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice">"How is the printer connected to your computer" = "Connected by cable"</guard>
At line 109 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer" = "Yes"]]></guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer" = "Yes"</guard>
At line 115 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Please exchange the cable and try to print again" = "Now it works"]]></guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Please exchange the cable and try to print again" = "Now it works"</guard>
At line 121 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer" = "No"]]></guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice">"Is the cable plugged into the printer and the computer" = "No"</guard>
At line 127 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["How is the printer connected to your computer" = "Connected by Wifi"]]></guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice">"How is the printer connected to your computer" = "Connected by Wifi"</guard>
At line 135 removed 6 lines
<edge fcid="#rule_26">
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["Please exchange the cable and try to print again" = "Still not printing"]]></guard>
At line 284 changed one line
<flowchart fcid="flow_b77240b2" name="Printer Problem Entry" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="750" height="306" autostart="true" idCounter="20">
<flowchart fcid="flow_b77240b2" name="Printer Problem Entry" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="750" height="374" autostart="true" idCounter="20">
At line 293 added 5 lines
<node fcid="#node_11">
<position left="369" top="304"></position>
At line 322 added 6 lines
<edge fcid="#rule_13">
<routingPoint x="0" y="1" />
At line 339 changed one line
<edge fcid="#rule_19">
<guard markup="KnOffice">PROCESSED[Connection Flow]</guard>
At line 347 added 6 lines
<edge fcid="#rule_20">
<guard markup="KnOffice">PROCESSED[Printing Quality Flow]</guard>
<routingPoint x="0" y="1" />
At line 354 added one line