This page (revision-42) was last changed on 04-Feb-2015 10:13 by Albrecht Striffler

This page was created on 17-Dec-2012 11:30 by Joba Baumeister

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
42 04-Feb-2015 10:13 10 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous
41 17-Dec-2012 18:12 10 KB Volker Belli to previous | to last

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At line 300 removed 2 lines
%%todo DiaFlux for printer problems tutorial @user: joba
At line 304 changed one line
We define the entry of the knowledge base, where the user is asked about the general problem with the printer.
After the definition of all subsequent problem areas, we define the entry of the knowledge base.
Here, the user is asked about the general problem with the printer and delegated to the already defined problem areas.
At line 319 changed one line
Then, the questionnaire ''Connection Questions'' and ''Quality Questions'' is
Then, the DiaFlux flowcharts ''Connection Flow'' and ''Printing Quality Flow'' are called depending of the given answer.