This page (revision-34) was last changed on 19-Dec-2012 09:55 by Tim Baier-Loewenstein

This page was created on 20-Nov-2012 15:21 by UnknownAuthor

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
34 19-Dec-2012 09:55 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous
33 17-Dec-2012 21:11 3 KB CarstenWasner to previous | to last
32 17-Dec-2012 19:13 3 KB Joba Baumeister to previous | to last
31 17-Dec-2012 12:37 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
30 17-Dec-2012 12:37 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
29 17-Dec-2012 12:28 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
28 17-Dec-2012 12:27 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
27 17-Dec-2012 12:27 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
26 17-Dec-2012 12:25 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
25 17-Dec-2012 12:25 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
24 17-Dec-2012 12:24 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
23 17-Dec-2012 12:08 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
22 17-Dec-2012 11:50 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
21 17-Dec-2012 11:50 3 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last

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[{Image src='attach/Success%20Stories/SmartCare-Logo.gif' width='200' align='right' style='margin-right:30px' }]
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SmartCare is a technology framework and at the same time an engineering methodology by [Dräger|] for designing knowledge based systems. The framework’s technology basically comprises a rules engine plus one or more knowledge bases reflecting the corresponding health care process to support. The framework is highly fexible for the execution of CGs in a wide range of medical devices. The CG itself is formalized using [KnowWE] (including the results of the [CliWE|Success Story - CliWE] project) and executed by d3web-core as runtime engine within the context of the medical device.
SmartCare is a technology framework and at the same time an engineering methodology by [Dräger|] for designing knowledge based systems. The framework’s technology basically comprises a rules engine plus one or more knowledge bases reflecting the corresponding health care process to support. The framework is highly fexible for the execution of CGs in a wide range of medical devices. Only the interface to the user (GUI) and the data interface, i.e. the connection to the medical device, have to be implemented. The CG itself is formalized using KnowWE (including the results of the [CliWE|Success Story - CliWE] project) and executed by d3web-core as runtime engine within the context of the medical device.
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A large variety of guidelines exist in the community of medical experts for almost all areas of health care. They are developed, documented and revised by national and international organizations as there are [Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie – Herz- und Kreislaufforschung e.V. |], [Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin |], [National Guideline Clearinghous |], et cetera.
A large variety guidelines exist in the community of medical experts for almost all areas of health care. They are developed, documented and revised by national and international organizations as there are [Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie – Herz- und Kreislaufforschung e.V. |], [Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin |], [National Guideline Clearinghous |], et cetera.
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d3web supports the whole development process. Starting with the operationalization and augmentation of the knowldege to implement the CG using [KnowWE], using the continous integration (CI) tools, to check the implementation during knowledge operationalization, debugging of the implemented CG using [KnowWE] and the integrated TestCasePlayer as well as the execution of the implemented CG on the designated medical device using d3web-core as runtime.
d3web supports the whole development process. Starting with the operationalization and augmentation of the knowldege to implement the CG using KnowWE, using the continous integration (CI) tools, to check the implementation during knowledge operationalization, debugging of the implemented CG using KnowWE and the integrated TestCasePlayer as well as the execution of the implemented CG on the designated medical device using d3web-core as runtime.
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