This page (revision-49) was last changed on 11-Aug-2016 10:02 by Albrecht Striffler

This page was created on 22-Feb-2014 17:35 by Albrecht Striffler

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
49 11-Aug-2016 10:02 7 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous
48 11-Aug-2016 10:01 7 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
47 11-Aug-2016 10:01 7 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
46 11-Aug-2016 09:57 7 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
45 11-Aug-2016 09:55 7 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
44 01-Apr-2016 16:03 7 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
43 26-Nov-2015 14:34 7 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
42 26-Nov-2015 14:34 7 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
41 26-Nov-2015 14:23 7 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last

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!!Short term plans
!! Summary of important changes
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Here we list the features and improvements planned for KnowWE and the d3web-core, linked to the upcoming releases. The lists for the upcoming release can change, so no guaranties here!
!Release 11, Watney, July 2016 - Current release, out now!
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!Service Release 9 (June 2014) - Last release!
* __TimeDB TestCases__: Using the TimeDB plugin, it is now possible to test the behavior of the knowledge base when setting values in the past (relative to the current time of the session).
* __Code improvements__: Major refactorings, cleanup and modernizations
** Reimplementation and modernization of test case interfaces and xml persistence. Much improved functionality, allows extensions, and is backwards compatible.
** Cleaned source code of old verbose Java pre-1.8. statements and modernized it with up to date 1.8 syntax and utils.
* __New checks for TestCases:__
** Check any property of terminology objects used in the test
** Check the amount of solutions with a given state.
* __KnowWE SemanticCore__: Major overhaul, now uses denkbares-SemanticCore
** Removed outdated Rdf2Go dependencies
** Instead, direct integration of Sesame/RDF4J
** New Jena plugin
** New GraphDB-Free plugin (optional download)
** New SPARQL auto format/prettify (soon to come to other markups as well)
* __Improvements to DiaFlux Editor__
** Adaptive toolbar
** Editor and menu styling
* __Tool Menus__: Markup tool menues can no longer be hidden below lower end of the browser window
* __Attachment markup__
** Allows to keep attachments up to date with a remote source url and update interval.
** Allows to download articles and parts of articles of other KnowWE installations as attachments. These attachments can also be compiled and rendered via Include markup.
* __AttributeTable__: Now supports negated answers (!= Answer-X) and Unknown in condition columns.
* __Debugger__: Added simple debugger for TimeDB Javascript functions
* __Table Editor__: When activating the table editor with edit mode, the scroll position of the clicked cell is restored in the table editor. The editable cell is also selected.
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* __Compiler Refactoring__: Deep refactoring, modernization and acceleration of the compiler architecture of KnowWE.
* __Extension of the Rules-Markup__: Currently rules in KnowWE can only be defined in the following way: IF condition THEN action [[EXCEPT condition]. We want to extend the functionality and also allow the usage of ELSE and UNKNOWN.
* __Extension of TestCase XML__: Currently TestCases exported to the STC-XML-format only allow simple checks/assertions. We want to extend it to allow the same checks as the TestCaseTable in KnowWE.
* __Overhaul of Object Info__: KnowWE gets a replacement for its current Object Info Page. A fast and clean dialog that no longer requires to leave the page!
!Feature Release 10, Alice, April 2015
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!Feature Release 10 (April 2015) - Current release, out now!
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!Release 11 (Early 2016)
!Service Release 9, Inspector Gadget, June 2014
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* __TestCases__:
** __Modularization__: Complete reimplementation of TestCase interfaces and persistence, to allow plugins to extend the test case functionality.
** __TimeDB-TestCases__: Using the TimeDB-Plugin for d3web and KnowWE now allows to set findings in TestCases also in the past.
* __Tooltip improvements__: Hovering over questions and solutions during usage or debugging of knowledge bases shows the value of the object in the current problem solving session. We want to improve these tooltips and also make them available in flowchart edges and formulas.
* __Docker-Integration__: Provide KnowWE as a [Docker|]-Container.
* __CEF-App for KnowWE__: The [Chromium Embedded Framework|] allows to embed a chrome browser engine into a normal application. Using this we want to provide a KnowWE-App that works as a easy-to-use executable without the need to start a tomcat web server and calling a localhost address in your browser.
* __TimeDB-Script-Debugging__: New tool to use the browser's JavaScript-Debugger to debug the Javascript functions defined with the TimeDB-Plugin.
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More to come...
* __Compiler Refactoring__: Deep refactoring, modernization and acceleration of the compiler architecture of KnowWE.
* __Extension of the Rules-Markup__: Currently rules in KnowWE can only be defined in the following way: IF condition THEN action [[EXCEPT condition]. We want to extend the functionality and also allow the usage of ELSE and UNKNOWN.
* __Extension of TestCase XML__: Currently TestCases exported to the STC-XML-format only allow simple checks/assertions. We want to extend it to allow the same checks as the TestCaseTable in KnowWE.
* __Overhaul of Object Info__: KnowWE gets a replacement for its current Object Info Page. A fast and clean dialog that no longer requires to leave the page!
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* __Tooltip improvements__: Hovering over questions and solutions during usage or debugging of knowledge bases shows the value of the object in the current problem solving session. We want to improve these tooltips and also make them available in flowchart edges and formulas.
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More to come...