This page (revision-14) was last changed on 12-Sep-2014 17:03 by Albrecht Striffler

This page was created on 05-Sep-2014 16:12 by Volker Belli

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
14 12-Sep-2014 17:03 11 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous
13 12-Sep-2014 16:52 11 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
12 12-Sep-2014 16:51 11 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
11 12-Sep-2014 16:45 11 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
10 12-Sep-2014 16:28 11 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
9 12-Sep-2014 16:28 11 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
8 12-Sep-2014 16:28 11 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
7 12-Sep-2014 16:27 11 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
6 12-Sep-2014 16:27 11 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
5 12-Sep-2014 16:27 11 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
4 12-Sep-2014 16:27 11 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
3 12-Sep-2014 04:40 11 KB Volker Belli to previous | to last
2 05-Sep-2014 16:19 11 KB Volker Belli to previous | to last
1 05-Sep-2014 16:12 11 KB Volker Belli to last

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At line 18 changed one line
Die Evaluation erfolgte auf Basis einer "industriellen Wissensbasis", sie wurde von einem unserer Kunden für den Realeinsatz entwickelt. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Wissensbasis zur __technischen Diagnose__ von Spezialfahrzeugen. Sie umfasst über 80 Flussdiagramme, in denen knapp __1900 Frageknoten__ zu __1000 Lösungsknoten__ führen.
Die Evaluation erfolgte auf Basis einer "industriellen Wissensbasis", d.h. die von einem unserer Kunden für den Realeinsatz entwickelt wurde. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Wissensbasis zur __technischen Diagnose__ von Spezialfahrzeugen. Sie umfasst über 80 Flussdiagramme, in denen knapp __1900 Frageknoten__ zu __1000 Lösungsknoten__ führen.
At line 97 changed one line
For this purpose we proceed and add more information to the pipeline. First we detect patterns of types of questions and actions, e.g. for executing measurements, mount/unmount equipment, making quick observations on the defect vehicle behavior, and so on. In total, we defined about ten of these patterns and associate the estimated time required to carry out the particular type of activity. Running the migration pipeline again results in a wiki and that helped us to answer these questions appropriately (see figure 1 and 2 on the right side).
For this purpose we proceed and added more information to the pipeline. First we detect patterns of types of questions and actions, e.g. for executing measurements, mount/unmount equipment, making quick observations on the defect vehicle behavior, and so on. In total, we defined about ten of these patterns and associate the estimated time required to carry out the particular type of activity. Running the migration pipeline again results in a wiki and that helped us to answer these questions appropriately (see figure 1 and 2 on the right side).