This page (revision-9) was last changed on 07-Nov-2013 10:12 by Albrecht Striffler

This page was created on 26-Oct-2012 10:15 by mfreiberg

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
9 07-Nov-2013 10:12 3 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous
8 07-Nov-2013 10:11 3 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
7 07-Nov-2013 10:05 2 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
6 07-Nov-2013 09:58 2 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
5 07-Nov-2013 09:58 2 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
4 17-Dec-2012 14:14 2 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
3 17-Dec-2012 14:13 2 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
2 17-Dec-2012 14:12 2 KB Tim Baier-Loewenstein to previous | to last
1 26-Oct-2012 10:15 2 KB mfreiberg to last

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At line 26 changed 2 lines
{{{IF question = yes
THEN INSTANT [questionInstant]}}}In the following example ''questionInstant'' is presented instantly after the current question, if the question ''question'' is answered with ''yes''.
{{{IF q1 = yes
THEN INSTANT [questionInstant]}}}In the following example ''questionInstant'' is presented instantly after the current question, if the question ''q1'' is answered with ''yes''..
At line 32 removed 4 lines
{{{IF question = yes
THEN ALWAYS[question]}}}
Adding the ''ALWAYS~[...]'' will result in the the indication of ''question'' no matter whether it has been already answered or not. That way, questions can be repeatedly presented in the interview (as long as the respective condition, in this case ''question = yes'', holds true).
At line 37 changed 3 lines
{{{IF question = yes
THEN NOT[question]}}}Adding the ''NOT~[...]'' will prevent the ''questions'' from being indicated until the condition ''question = yes'' no longer holds true.
{{{IF someQuestion = answerValue
THEN NOT[specialQuestions]}}}
Adding the ''NOT~[...]'' will prevent the ''specialQuestions'' from being indicated until the condition ''someQuestion = answerValue'' no longer holds true.