This page (revision-52) was last changed on 10-Sep-2018 12:25 by Jochen Reutelshöfer

This page was created on 17-Dec-2012 15:33 by CarstenWasner

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
52 10-Sep-2018 12:25 4 KB Jochen Reutelshöfer to previous
51 10-Sep-2018 12:24 4 KB Jochen Reutelshöfer to previous | to last
50 10-Sep-2018 12:23 4 KB Jochen Reutelshöfer to previous | to last
49 28-Aug-2018 11:31 4 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
48 09-Dec-2016 15:57 4 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
47 09-Dec-2016 15:56 4 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
46 29-Apr-2016 15:35 4 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
45 26-Nov-2015 11:35 4 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
44 04-Feb-2015 10:10 4 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
43 11-Aug-2014 11:37 4 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
42 11-Aug-2014 11:36 4 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last
41 11-Aug-2014 11:29 4 KB Albrecht Striffler to previous | to last

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At line 1 changed 3 lines
! Definition:\\
Diaflux is a graphical workflow authoring plugin for KnowWE.
It is used to model complex problems in an easy to read and understand fashion.
[{TableOfContents title='Contents'}]
At line 5 removed 3 lines
! Syntax and Semantic:\\
An Diaflux workflow is defined inside the markup __DiaFlux__
At line 4 added 14 lines
!! Definition\\
Diaflux is a graphical workflow authoring plugin for KnowWE.\\
It is used to model complex problems in an easy to read and understandable fashion.\\
!! Syntax and Semantic\\
An Diaflux workflow is defined inside the markup __DiaFlux__\\
! Example
At line 10 changed one line
<flowchart fcid="flow_7184e213" name="ExampleWorkFlow" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="750" height="500" autostart="false" idCounter="23">
<flowchart fcid="flow_7184e213" name="ExampleWorkFlow" icon="sanduhr.gif" width="699" height="380" autostart="true" idCounter="23">
At line 14 changed one line
<position left="57" top="44"></position>
<position left="20" top="31"></position>
At line 19 changed one line
<position left="591" top="379"></position>
<position left="554" top="340"></position>
At line 24 changed 2 lines
<position left="231" top="59"></position>
<position left="194" top="20"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA[ambient_temperature]]></action>
At line 29 changed 2 lines
<position left="317" top="157"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"warm" = P7</action>
<position left="280" top="118"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["warm" = P7]]></action>
At line 34 changed 2 lines
<position left="196" top="157"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"cold" = P7</action>
<position left="159" top="118"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["cold" = P7]]></action>
At line 39 changed 2 lines
<position left="572" top="157"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"just_fine" = P7</action>
<position left="544" top="118"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["just_fine" = P7]]></action>
At line 44 changed 2 lines
<position left="473" top="368"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"just_fine" = N7</action>
<position left="358" top="329"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["just_fine" = N7]]></action>
At line 49 changed 2 lines
<position left="504" top="267"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"warm" = N7</action>
<position left="478" top="228"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["warm" = N7]]></action>
At line 54 changed 2 lines
<position left="619" top="268"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice">"cold" = N7</action>
<position left="591" top="229"></position>
<action markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["cold" = N7]]></action>
At line 68 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice">"ambient_temperature" > 25</guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["ambient_temperature" > 25]]></guard>
<routingPoint x="8" y="0.5" />
At line 74 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice">"ambient_temperature" < 25</guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["ambient_temperature" < 25]]></guard>
<routingPoint x="1" y="0.5" />
At line 80 changed one line
<guard markup="KnOffice">"ambient_temperature" = 25</guard>
<guard markup="KnOffice"><![CDATA["ambient_temperature" = 25]]></guard>
At line 123 removed 2 lines
@package: DiafluxExample
At line 129 changed one line
! Diaflux elements
!! Diaflux Editor
At line 131 removed one line
[{Image src='visual_editor.jpg' width='100' height='100' align='left' }]
At line 142 added one line
[{Image src='visual_editor.jpg' width='222' height='99' align='left' }]
At line 144 added one line
At line 135 changed 3 lines
! Best Practices
* A Diaflux shall have a unique name.\\
* One Diaflux needs to be checked for Autostart. (That is where a session workflow will start.)\\
[{Image src='visual_editor_edit_nodes.jpg' width='540' height='303' align='left' }]
At line 148 added one line
At line 151 added 28 lines
! Diaflux elements
* __Start node__: entry point for a DiaFlux\\
* __Exit node__: exit point of a DiaFlux\\
* __Action node__: select a question, solution, or other flowchart and model an interaction with this it.\\
* __Comment node__: use this node to provide annotations to transitions or nodes.\\
* __SnapShot node__: used to inhibit the truth maintainance to reverse decisions before this snapshot. (Behaves like a diode.)\\
!Editor tools\\
* __Save flowchart and close editor__\\
* __Revert changes__\\
* __Close editor__ (without saving)\\
* __Delete flowchart__\\
!! Best Practices\\
* A DiaFlux flowchart shall have a unique name.\\
* One flowchart needs to be checked for Autostart. (That is where a session workflow will start.)\\
* Do not overload a single flowchart. Model rather small parts and reference them in a parent flowchart.\\
Rule of thumb: Not more than a monitors field of view.
* Use commend nodes (light blue) to structure flows/arrows.
!Terminology of DiafluxExample
At line 142 changed one line
At line 146 removed one line
@uses: DiafluxExample
At line 152 changed 2 lines
-- ambient_temperature [num] {DEGREES_C}
@package: DiafluxExample
-- ambient_temperature [num] {°C}
At line 162 removed one line
@package: DiafluxExample
At line 165 changed 4 lines